We Are Building A New Alaigbo

This is the Igbo Renaissance! We are leading a young generation of Igbo people that will develop Alaigbo. Be a part of this developmental revolution!

Build Alaigbo Project

Build Alaigbo Project (BAP) is a continual crowdfunding initiative driven by Alaigbo Development and Accountability Initiative (ADAI) in order to bring about unprecedented development across Igbo land. A new dawn is unveiling in Alaigbo. We are on a mission to build world class infrastructure in Alaigbo e.g Specialist Hospitals, Schools, Tech Hubs, Water projects, e-Libraries, Agri-Business, Skill Acquisition centres and lots more using crowdfunding on an annual basis. The idea is for people to voluntarily donate any amount they feel comfortable with; N100, N1,000, N1Million etc a year. If 1 million people make a donation of, say N1,000, that is N1Billion. If we can raise this amount on an annual basis, it can go a long way in transforming Alaigbo for good. One of our founding fathers, Dee Sam Mbakwe, the first democratic governor of Imo State did it, we can also do it. We understand the need to see things from the people’s point of view, so we decided to carry out a survey which ran from January and closed on the 17th of February, 2020 to have an input from as many people as possible. Below is the outcome of that survey.

You can watch the launch of the Build Alaigbo Project Here
You can now download the BAP Launch Presentation

Our Strategy

Right from the project selection to contract bidding process will be done in a transparent manner. This way, we intend to carry everyone whom we hope to support the project along. Also, we will periodically publish progress report as well as funds received and spent. TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY are our watchwords. The sustainability plan is to build/renovate existing structures depending on what is on ground and involve formidable groups such as town unions and missionaries that will manage and maintain these projects. 

Primary Healthcare Centre

In our Phase 1, we plan to build Primary Healthcare Centres (PHCs) in communities across Alaigbo. Rural areas without/or dilapidated PHCs will be given priority. With adequate funding, we can do much more.

Solar-Powered Water Scheme

Water is an essential commodity to have. Unfortunately, we lack adequate potable water in Alaigbo, urban and rural areas alike. We plan to install solar-powered water systems in communities across Alaigbo.

School Library Upgrade

Knowledge is power. With adequate and well equipped libraries across Alaigbo, we believe that our people will have access to valuable resources to boost human capital development.

A New Dawn Is Unveiling In Alaigbo!

Join The Movement. Aku Ruo Ulo.
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